A Chance to Feel Special

25 Jun 2018

Bear Cottage's Mum's Camp provides an opportunity for our mums to take some time out just for them.

They are able to stay at Bear Cottage with their sick child, safe in the knowledge that all medical needs will be taken care of and that it is OK for them to rest, relax, make friends and enjoy experiences that they may not otherwise be able to. To quote our mums, it gives them the chance to "feel pampered and special" and provides them with the space to be "more than mum to a high needs kid".

Four women standing together in front of green trees

Recently six of our mums did just that and they enjoyed a variety of activities co-ordinated by nursing staff Fiona and Megan. The week started by getting back to nature with the mums enjoying a 'Flower Crown Workshop' and then designing and creating their own terrariums. It was then time for some pampering with facials, reflexology and 'Yoga Under the Stars'.

The mums also had a chance to kick up their heels. Looking glamorous after their hair and make-up 'make-overs', they were then collected by limo and taken to dinner at the Glass Brasserie. This was then followed by a night at the theatre where they enjoyed the musical Priscilla.

Our Bear Cottage camps would not be possible without a number of generous donors and our mums were incredibly grateful saying "you further realise and appreciate the kindness of so many other people who are so happy to give their time and expertise to make us feel special."

Thank you to Channel 9, Jill Coglan from The Natural Spa Therapist, Michelle Simpson from SugarArt for her "Handbag Cake", Bear Cottage volunteers Anne and Ann for reflexology, Yoga Under The Stars, Ivy Styling, The Boathouse Shelly Beach and Capitol Theatre.

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