Introducing Hospitals United for Sick Kids

20 October 2023 | Expected time to read: 1 minute

Hospitals United for Sick Kids logo

Formerly known as Curing Homesickness, Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation is proud to have partnered with seven other state-based children's hospitals, foundations and paediatric services to form a national platform dedicated to getting kids home from hospital sooner: Hospitals United for Sick Kids.

Hospitals United for Sick Kids is an innovation in the way corporates and for purpose organisations collaborate, working together to generate funds to invest into the advancement of children's healthcare across Australia.

Koby, patient in hospital

It is a visionary model which has the mission to fund in-hospital, at-home or near-to-home research, therapies, programs and equipment to ensure sick kids spend more time at home and less time in hospital. This reduces the significant emotional,physical and financial burden of lengthy stays in hospital on sick kids and their families and enables kids to be treated in their own communities, close to home. 

Hospitals United for Sick Kids is unique, and delivers 'National Reach with Local Impact'. It can offer corporates with a national footprint a partnership that can deliver both profit and purpose through a flexible model (see examples here), with the additional benefit of directing funds raised nationally to areas of greatest need in any local state or territory.

Patient Elijah and his dad
In four years, $7 million has already been poured into 71 pioneering projects, impacting 438,000 children across Australia. Funds have been directed into data-driven therapies, cutting-edge equipment and innovative programs - all with the direct goal of keeping kids away from hospital and where they belong, at home.

here to see more about Hospitals United for Sick Kids' impact.

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Collage of Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation staff and donors making a heart symbol with their hands