As a donor, you understand the incredible importance of giving. Perhaps you or someone close to you has experienced the need for medical care during childhood. As we reflect on what truly matters to us, many of us feel a deep desire to pay it forward and make a lasting difference.
Giving comes in various forms, from buying a raffle ticket or making a donation to participating in fun-runs or charity galas. You may choose to make a one-time donation during appeals like Christmas or the end of financial year. These contributions play a vital role in funding crucial projects. Alternatively, becoming a Regular Giver allows you to contribute a modest amount each month, making it easier to give over time.
But for some, the most generous and extraordinary gift comes in the form of a gift in their Will.
Leaving a gift in your Will is an incredible privilege for any charity to receive. It signifies your thoughtful consideration of the lasting impact you can make. During Include a Charity Week, a nation-wide initiative in September, while emphasising the importance of having a Will, Australians are encouraged to include a gift to a charity close to their heart.
Each year, over 170,000 kids are cared for by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. The need for support is ever-growing, and your contribution, even just 1% of your Will, can become part of a transformative movement that brings home, healing, and brighter futures to countless children. Imagine the incredible achievements we can reach if hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people join this movement, united by their commitment to make a difference.
It may surprise you to learn that over 50% of Australians don’t have a Will. Without one, their assets will be divided according to a legal formula that may not reflect their true wishes. At SCHF, our hope is that individuals make the most significant gift they will ever give by including a gift to SCHF in their Will. By doing so, you are supporting the lives of children, many who aren’t even born yet, leaving a profound legacy of care and opportunity.
We understand that leaving a gift in your Will is a deeply personal decision, one that require careful consideration. That’s why we invite you to have a confidential conversation with Alana from the Planned Giving team, on 1800 770 122. Alana is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process, ensuring that your wishes are honoured. Additionally, SCHF offers an online Will-making service for your convenience. Visit our webpage for more information.
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