Help support kids with cancer

By Maru Lush

Let's raise funds for Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation!

Recently my daughter Juliet and I spent a night on a paediatric oncology ward anxiously waiting a diagnosis. Just one night-  before we were lucky enough to be told the fantastic news that we could go home and expect a full recovery for her with minimal intervention. 

But so many things stuck with me after our stay. During that scary 24 hours I had the privilege of meeting many warriors. The amazing parents who are living the daily nightmare of watching their precious little ones fight for their lives every day. The awesome nurses and doctors who are able to support and care for children who are in pain. And of course the sick babies and children who despite being poked, prodded and stopped from doing most kid stuff, still find energy and time to smile and see the bright side  

Let's support an amazing organisation.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation supports Australia's leading paediatric health services, offering a safe and friendly healing environment for children from NSW and beyond. Every dollar raised contributes to keeping our hospitals running at a world class, award-winning level.

That’s why I’ve chosen to raise much needed funds for the Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation. Thank you for your support!