Volunteer with us
Be a helping hand and join the fight to support sick kids, no matter where, no matter what.
Our incredible team of volunteers are an essential part of the Foundation and the heart and soul of the Movement of Many.
From helping out at a wide range of different fundraising events and appeals, to contributing in the office, virtually or behind the scenes, we simply couldn’t do what we can do for sick kids and their families without our amazing volunteers.
Volunteering is a great way to get involved in something you care about and to meet people who share your passion. From listening to all the stories from our Volunteers, we know they get a lot out of the experience.
Interested in volunteering at one of our fundraising events?

Interested in volunteering with SCHF? Here’s how you can get involved.

If you are a new volunteer please register to Rosterfy, our Volunteer Portal, using the link below. Once registered, you can discover upcoming opportunities and sign up for shifts!
Ways that you can support

Donate to support all sick kids, no matter where, no matter what.

Get involved by joining an event, becoming a corporate partner, starting workplace giving or volunteering with SCHF.

Raise money for sick kids by organising or supporting a fundraising event.
If you'd like more information please complete the form below and we'll be in touch with you shortly.
Protection of privileged and confidential information
As a volunteer for the Foundation you are aware that in the course of being a volunteer you may have access to privileged and confidential information in respect of patients, staff or Foundation matters. You agree as a condition of being a volunteer that you will not divulge any information concerning patients, staff or Foundation matters to anyone other than authorised personnel of the Foundation and within the hospital only, since to do so may involve you in civil legal proceedings.
I have read and understood the protection of privileged and confidential information and agree to abide by these terms*
Volunteer program commitment agreement:
- You agree to make a commitment to volunteer at the Foundation.
- As part of your commitment you agree to be accountable to, and work under the supervision of the Foundation as appropriate.
- You agree to undertake and perform agreed tasks and duties with reliability and respect.
- You will maintain confidentiality with regard to any information of a personal, medical or sensitive nature that becomes known to you in the course of volunteer work at the Foundation.
- If any problems arise in the course of volunteering at the Foundation, you agree to discuss these promptly with your Foundation Contact.
- SCHF will require all volunteers to have received a minimum of two doses (and any boosters as recommended by NSW Health) of a COVID-19 vaccination, in order to participate in volunteering activities. Any volunteers coming into our offices, or the hospital will need to adhere to the hospital procedures at the time, which include check-ins via the Service NSW app and producing your vaccination certificate. We will also require sighting your vaccination status upon arrival at your volunteer activity, whether it be in our offices, or at an external location. Once you have produced your vaccination status for the first time, we will record this confidentially in our system. We will also ask those participating in virtual volunteering to demonstrate proof of vaccination, due to the potential for these activities to one day be in person.
- SCHF Volunteers must be aware that whilst on a Volunteering shift they are representing SCHF, and must behave in a way would not negatively affect the SCHF Brand or reputation. This includes in the community, and online via social media channels. Posting to social media whilst on shift, and/or in SCHF branded attire must be approved by the Volunteer supervisor, and must adhere to the SCHF social media code of conduct.
I have read and understood the volunteer commitment agreement and agree to abide by these terms*