Capital Update (February 2022)

30 Nov 1999

By 2025, redevelopment projects at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick (SCH) and The Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW) will be complete, delivering two world-class children’s hospitals. This is a once-in-a-lifetime transformation of children’s health services, changing the way care is delivered to sick children from NSW and beyond.  

The redevelopment program at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network commenced more than six years ago, with Stage 1 at Westmead. Since then, a total of more than $1.3 billion in funding has been committed to CHW and SCH for new world-class hospital buildings and research centres.

SCH Redevelopment 

The Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, and Children’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre are being delivered together as a single project in an integrated facility, to enable the transformation of kids’ healthcare locally, nationally, and globally. 

Spaces and places have been designed around the wellbeing of children and their families and will provide flexibility to adapt to patient needs and evolving treatments. Family rooms, green outdoor areas, play spaces, intuitive wayfinding and welcoming treatment facilities will all work together to create an environment that reduces patient’s anxiety and allows them to thrive during their time at the hospital. The new building will be home to a new children’s emergency department (ED), short-stay unit, a children’s intensive care unit (CICU) and close observation unit. Additionally, a new Neurosciences Comprehensive Care and Research Centre, a virtual care centre, inpatient suites for medical and surgical specialties, and a medical short-stay unit.  

The Children’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre at SCH will deliver an innovative model of children’s cancer care and research, allowing clinicians and scientists to work together seamlessly, with the goal of putting an end to childhood cancer. The new centre will have national and global reach and impact, bringing an exciting capability to the Randwick Health and Innovation Precinct. 

Capital Update Randwick
Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick

Children’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Randwick 

Children’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Randwick

CHW Redevelopment   

With a focus on innovation, research, and cutting-edge technology, the CHW redevelopment is on track to be one of the pinnacles of children’s healthcare in Australia. It has been designed to create the children’s hospital of tomorrow, combining future-focused, state-of-the-art infrastructure with friendly, collaborative spaces to accommodate the best clinical care for children and their families. 

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is now in the second stage of its redevelopment. In 2021, the new Children’s Emergency Department opened as part of Stage 1. Now located in the new Block K, it also includes the Children's Short Stay Unit (CSSU), additional medical imaging and pharmacy departments (to service ED and CSSU), and additional digital operating theatres. 

Planning for the second stage of the redevelopment is well underway. The new paediatric service building will form the heart of Westmead’s paediatric services – a 14-storey facility housing critical care, cancer services, critical care facilities for seriously ill neonates and children, advances operating theatres, alongside a surgical short-stay unit as well as a number of other clinical services to accommodate the best models of care, research, and education. 

Philanthropy is a crucial driver of discovery and success in improving clinical outcomes for patients and their families. The Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation’s Capital Campaign has committed $60 million in philanthropic support to the redevelopment. Our community’s support is critical in taking the redevelopment projects to the next level, enabling even greater investment in technology, research, and services to offer the best possible care for sick children. 

This is a generational opportunity to reimaging the way care is delivered to children. We invite you to become part of this project and leave your legacy by improving the lives of thousands of sick children and their families. 

For more information, please contact our Corporate Partnerships Team at  

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

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